In einer Pressemitteilung zur Ablehnung der Richtlinie zu computerimplementierten Erfindungen fordern die Grünen im Europaparlament auch Konsequenzen aus dem Lobby-Spektakel und den zum Teil irreführenden Kampagnen. Die EU brauche ein System zur Kontrolle des Lobbyismus, EU-Kommissar Kallas solle sich des Problems annehmen: „Before today MEPs were bombarded by a fierce and, in cases, deceptive lobbying campaign. We can only guess the identity of the people lurking behind the scenes. It is clear that we now need to create a system to control lobbying in the EU. The system must be transparent and make public the interests and funding of the respective lobby groups. We call upon the commissioner for administrative affairs, Siim Kallas, to investigate these problems and make proposals for the necessary action to take.“
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